To control river flows and ensure reliable navigation, Barnard is replacing the Arkansas and White Rivers’ historical cutoff with a durable weir.
For the Three Rivers Phase 1 Project, Barnard is constructing a new hydraulic weir opening along the historic cutoff between the Arkansas and White Rivers. The existing site conditions along the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas Navigation System have undergone head cutting and erosion, which increases the likelihood that a cutoff could form and ultimately affect navigation reliability. Barnard is removing and replacing the historic cutoff with a durable weir at a lower elevation, ultimately providing greater control of the flows between both rivers. The new weir is being constructed with a cutoff wall with soil cement and features a concrete road on top. Additionally, it requires large riprap to extend along both rivers, and barge work is necessary for wet excavation and placement of riprap at the toes of the structure. The site becomes water accessible only during high water and holds a risk of flooding. The excavation sequence varies based on the levels of both rivers and requires no hydraulic connectivity during construction.
Location: Tichnor, Arkansas
Owner: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock District
Engineer: Stantec
Contract type: Design-Build, Fixed Lump Sum (competitive bid)
Status: Currently under construction
750,000 CY OF RIPRAP