Project Header_Peabody

Once completed, the closure of the Peabody Ash Pond will prevent pollutants from becoming airborne or being discharged into nearby surface waters during precipitation events.

In Drakesboro, Kentucky, Barnard is assisting in the decommissioning of a fossil plant by constructing a lined closure cap system. This will prevent coal combustion residuals (CCRs) built up in the Peabody Ash Pond from entering the local environment. The process includes dewatering the ash pond and removing CCR to be processed, then regrading it within the pond before being capped with a combination of geosynthetics, processed soil and sod.


Location: Drakesboro, Kentucky

Design Engineer: CTI and Associates

Contract Type: Firm Fixed Price

Completion Date: Currently Under Construction


  • 675,000 CY of borrow fill subgrade
  • 119,000 CY of structural dike construction
  • 240,000 CY of screened cover and top soils
  • 45,000 CY of riprap
  • 4.2 million SF of LLDPE geomembrane
  • 3.3 million SF of geocomposite liner
  • 450,000 SF of ClosureTurf®
  • 600,000 SF of geotextile fabric
  • 2,030 LF of 60-in. bell-and-spigot HDPE pipe
  • 668 LF of 36-in. SDR-17 HDPE pipe

63 acres of CCR capped

17 acres of CCR closure by removal

592,054 CY of CCR removal and regrading
