Project header _Owens Lake

Over a period of 15 years, Barnard played a significant role in applying dust mitigation techniques at Owens Lake, a 108-square-mile dry lakebed in the drought-stricken Owens Valley.

After drying up over a century ago, Owens Lake has undergone several land reclamation techniques to mitigate intense dust storms and dangerous levels of air pollution. Through a series of eight projects, Barnard implemented innovative methods such as shallow-flooding, salt grass planting, moat and row construction, and rock armoring. Systematically attacking the worst pollution source areas one at a time, the lakebed is now a haven for Snowy Plovers and other migratory birds and includes public access and viewing areas.


Location: Lone Pine, California

Owner: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)

Design Engineer: CDM Smith, LADWP, CH2M Hill

Contract Type: Design-Build; Design-Assist; Fixed Lump Sum

Status: Complete


  • 2002 and 2003 Marvin M. Black Excellence in Partnering Award
  • 190 miles of roadway and berm construction
  • 80 miles of underground electrical cable
  • 50 miles of underground fiber optic cable
  • 50-plus PLCs complex SCADA system
  • 40 pump and filtration systems
  • 32-ea. 500-HP 14.4 MGD pumps
  • $10 million O&M building

900,000 tons of aggregate

400 miles of pipe

11 million CY of earthwork

Project Footer _ Owens Lake