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Ethics and Compliance

It is Barnard’s policy to maintain the highest ethical standards and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We believe that adherence to this policy will ensure our continued success as well as earn and maintain the confidence of our clients and the communities in which we live and work. To ensure that we all operate within this policy, we have established an Ethics & Compliance Program.

Additionally, we are members of the Construction Industry Ethics and Compliance Initiative association (CIECI). The CIECI brings together, in a non-profit, private association, companies within the U.S. construction industry that are committed to the highest level of ethics and conduct and compliance with the law.

This association benefits its members through the frequent sharing of best practices for addressing the ethics and compliance risks embedded in construction industry work, and by presenting an Annual Best Practices Forum at which representatives from government and industry share approaches to current and emerging ethics and compliance issues.

An ethics hotline is available for employees and subcontractors to confidentially report, without fear of retribution, any suspected ethics violation for investigation. Easy and anonymous access 24/7: (888) 400-9113.